You may not agree with everything I write. That's fine. We all believe different things. It's what makes life interesting. So take what you agree with, what resonates with you and leave the rest. I write what I believe and what I have come to learn from working with my clients.I believe our spirits are beautiful, magnificent, and powerful. When we can connect with what we truly believe deep inside us and live by that truth, we can be true powerhouses. We can connect our spirits with God's spirit. I have seen nothing more beautiful!
I believe religion is a way to learn about God and a way to bring us closer to Him. But whether you believe in an organized religion or have different spiritual beliefs, what matters most is your personal experience with God. You may call Him something different; such as the universe, your source, a higher power, the Spirit, infinite love, etc. It's all the same. I choose God because it works for me.
I was raised in the Roman Catholic faith. It has some beautiful traditions and beliefs. I don't agree with all the rules. I love the principles taught by Jesus: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. What more is there? I am not here to convert anyone. I believe what I believe and have nothing but respect for what you believe. Religious belief is a deeply personal choice.
I believe we are primarily spiritual beings utilizing these bodies while we are here on earth. We are beautiful spirits here to love and be loved. We are here to contribute to the lives of others in loving, kind ways.
When we connect to what we truly believe inside, instead of what others want us to believe, then we are able to connect to God. God is everywhere. He is omnipresent. Whether we feel God is inside us or outside us, God is the greater, magnificent power we feel in the world. Connecting to God is like plugging ourselves into an electrical outlet. When we are disconnected we are running on battery, with no reserve power. Life can tire and overwhelm us far more easily. When we plug in, we gain infinite strength and wisdom.
What do you truly believe? What resonates with you? Get quiet and see what's inside.
Here are some different ways people have told me they connect to God:
1) Prayer - be it a scripted prayer or simple conversation with God (anywhere, anytime).
2) Meditation - just being in communion with God or listening for God to answer through words, images, or feelings.
3) Spending time in nature - out in the garden, on the beach, on a hike, etc. Nature is one of God's tools to recycle our energy and rejuvenate us.
4) Spending time in places that are sacred to you - a place of worship, a quiet spot at home like a comfy chair, a cemetery, or any place you find beautiful and quiet. A cemetery is a great place when you need to make a big decision. I don't know if it's because of all the spirits there or because you realize the finality of it all and what truly matters.
5) Sitting quietly and feeling what's inside you. You can imagine a ball of warm, loving energy pulsating, spinning or expanding in your heart. You can imagine being in a beam or flow of energy coming down from heaven like in Star Trek, when they say "beam me up Scotty." It can feel like a flow of love or peace or the Holy Spirit that you are connecting to.
There are countless ways to connect. If you have ideas, please share with us. I love to hear others' experiences. Enjoy being plugged in!