We can live alone. We can work alone. We can travel alone. We can do lots of things alone, but we were made to connect with others in some way. Computers and other technological devices have helped us in many ways. They have made many things easier and more efficient. But they have the potential to isolate us as well.
I look at my kids, who are teenagers now. They don't have friends over or go out as much as they used to. They text, video chat, instagram, facebook, etc their friends. Many people sit home and watch the news all day getting depressed about all the negative stuff going on in the world. People order things online or go to large chain stores and restaurants. What happened to going to small mom and pop stores and diners? What happened to kids playing in the neighborhood?
If you are feeling depressed, unmotivated, or lonely, are you isolating yourself in some way? Do you go out? Do you talk to people? Do you get involved? Reach out to others! It helps to connect to others. It's energizing to our bodies, minds, and spirits when we connect.
Reach out! Go out to a restaurant and sit at the bar/counter. Go out with friends. Eat dinner with your family, even if it's in front of the TV. And reach out to others who may be alone. You'll feel your energy increase. Find ways to connect with others. Connect with your spouse. Connect with your kids. Connect with your parents and siblings and friends. Many of us seem to be missing that in this society. Connect!