Thursday, April 30, 2015

Listen to Your Body

What's going on in your body?  If your body is tense, then something is not sitting right with you.  Are you stressed about something? Are you too busy running around?  Are your relationships strained in some way? Are your surroundings cluttered or disorganized?  Do you have too much going on?

Sit down for a few minutes and ask yourself: what's going on?  Do you want to wait until your body really screams at you with some disease, injury, or chronic pain or condition?  It's already trying to talk to you.  Sit quietly when you won't be disturbed for 15-30 minutes and really ask yourself and listen to what comes up. Believe me, it will speak to you. When an answer comes up, ask what you can do about it.  Keep an open mind.  Don't worry if it's your imagination.  (It's your mind.  I guess that would include your imagination.) Just go with it!

Now think about the answers and what sits best with you.  Do you need to take a day off?  Think about a relationship?  Cut down on your schedule?  Clear some things away?  Think it through.  Let it sit with you for a bit especially if any change is major or has consequences.  Let it sit a few days.  How does it feel when you think about days later.

When you feel trapped or that you have no options, it is really unhealthy for your body and mind. Even making small decisions or changes when you can, can change things and how you feel.


Sit quietly and ask your body: what's going on?