Friday, March 15, 2013

Body/Mind/Spirit Connection

The body/ mind/ spirit connection is real.  It affects our lives each and every day, whether we are aware of it or not. If one of these aspects is out of sorts, the other areas are adversely affected.  And it is readily apparent.

You can see it in people who feel hopeless.  As they stand or walk, slouched and sometimes "lifeless," they look tired, even exhausted. Their heads are most likely filled with negative thoughts. Even to the casual observer, it would seem that they lack enthusiasm and motivation.  Their prevailing thoughts are spattered with phrases like, "why bother," or "what's the use."

People who are high-strung, very stressed, or rigid in their beliefs of how things should be, tend to stand rigid and too straight.  They lack a bounce in their step.  When I feel their spine, they lack spring in their joints.  It feels as if their spine is a metal rod. 

Happy, healthy, relaxed people move more freely and carry themselves differently.  They appear more carefree and confident, and have a bounce to their step.  These are the people who radiate good energy which can be easily felt by those around them.  They tend to accept others for who they are and celebrate their differences.  These folks tend to think "life is good," "live and let live," and "life is too short to worry about things."

This doesn't just relate to how people are feeling right now or what's currently going on in their life.  Because our bodies physically retain memories, feelings, and tension from past experiences, how we feel today may very well be affected by negative or stressful experiences from the past.  When we can release the build up of stress in our bodies, we can feel lighter, more relaxed and energetic.

Today's action
Our spirit and mind can affect our bodies, but how we move also affects how we think and feel.  Today, look at how you stand, walk, and sit.  Are you slouched or are you too rigid?  Do you breathe deeply and slowly?  Do you smile?

Change your posture: shoulders back, chin tucked under a little, and have an arch in your low back.  How do you feel?  More confident?  Lighter?  Relaxed?  Hopeful?  Be consciously aware of your posture for one day, and remember to breathe and smile.  Notice how people respond to you.  See how you feel by the end of the day.  Did you have a good day?


  1. Paula,

    I love your positive attitude and how you live your life! You have been a blessing to me and my family!

    The Resourceful Apple

  2. It's such a great reminder to think about posture...I find that when I am sitting (standing) up straight-I definitely feel lighter, more confident and even's a great feeling of strength. Thanks for the reminder:)

    1. You're welcome. I feel better too when I remember my posture.
