Energy is supposed to flow through us, up and down, from head to toe and back up again, as well as radiate outward throughout our tissues. When our energy does not flow, our health will suffer in some way. Energy with low frequency is usually what holds, or gets stuck, in pockets throughout our body. It can hold in muscle, fascia, and organs. The origins of this energy can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. It can also be a combination of these.
Though you can hold any types of energy anywhere in your body, they do tend to hold in specific areas. Anger and resentment hold in the liver. Frustration and indecision hold in the gall bladder. Hurt, abandonment, and betrayal hold in the heart. Grief and sadness hold in the lungs. Fear, worry, and concern hold in the kidneys. Anxiety and feeling stressed out hold in the adrenal glands, which sit above the kidneys. The pancreas holds life/death issues and shock. The stomach holds daily stresses and gut instinct issues. The large intestine, or colon, holds control issues or resistance to change. The small intestine holds food sensitivities and feeling out of control regarding something. These are some examples of where certain emotions are held within your body.
Memories hold in the body as well, usually in the mind or in the body where the related emotions are held. Memories of an injury can also be held specifically in the area affected by the injury. Let's look at an example.
If a person was in a car accident, and he injured his neck, he may be holding onto the memory and associated emotions of the accident. He may have had physical therapy or other treatments, but the pain has not completely gone away. He could be holding the image, shock, fear, or disbelief of seeing the accident about to happen. Chances are that immediately prior to the accident, he tensed up and held his breath. Under such circumstances, the ribcage can actually continue to hold in an inhaled position. The person could be holding regret for being there in the first place; thinking "I should have just gone home. Why did I stop at the store?" The physical energy of the impact can be lodged in the tissues. If the person or others in the car were injured, he could be holding guilt, sadness, anger, etc. If the person's life changed afterward, causing pain, loss of job, or loss of car, that energy is added to the mix.
Another example is that of a person whose car was hit from behind. She most likely got the wind knocked out of her and her ribcage is holding exhaled. She may now be nervous driving, wondering if the car behind her will slow down and stop or if she will be hit again. This anxiety can translate into other areas of her life. She might now be uncharacteristically jumpy or "waiting for the other shoe to drop."
Are any of the areas of your body listed above bothering you lately? Do any of the related emotions seem to be something you could be holding? Think about it for a bit. Could you be holding onto stuff? How about when the pain or problem started, was there something going on that could have instigated the problem? Have you had any past injuries that may still be affecting you? Could you be holding on to the memories and emotions, even if it's not on your mind lately? How about stressful times in the past that may be holding on, stuck somewhere in your body; such as a divorce, the loss of a parent or family member? Any confusing times?
Give yourself a few minutes to think back. Most likely you will think of something and memories or feelings that are ready to come up will do so. If things don't come up easily, you can help the process along with your hands. Place your hands around the area, imagining you are holding it with love and warmth to help it release and heal. You can gently move your hands around massaging the area. You also can gently pulse or vibrate the area to help move the energy along. Use no judgement in what comes up. It is what it is and needs to release. You will feel better, lighter.
Without doubt, breathing, talking, and attention to specific areas of the body release tension- stress - pain, etc.... The Zero Balance Approach here I am a big fan of. I have been a patient of this for many years and in working with the right PT, and learning collectively, you can make your body Free of toxins - anger - stress - emotions - headache - worry - as well as more physical actions like back pain - neck pain - intestinal pain - etc.... I have had the luxury of being worked on by 2 great ladies in this field - Paula being one and another in Maine - while the approaches are unique to each - the end results are the same - a body of freedom upon treatment end.