If we could just live one day at a time and stop thinking about the future, we could really enjoy the day. This is sometimes easier said than done when we have bills to pay, a job to do, and if we have a family to raise.
Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful husband who helps me quite a bit. I know I am fortunate in that respect. But very often one person (often the mom) has the family schedule in her head. We know where everyone has to be for the whole week. We know when appointments and play dates are, what homework has to be done, showers taken, vitamins and medicines to be taken, birthdays to be remembered, etc. As parents, we also try to remember that each person in the family needs to be shown love and attention. We need to show that we care about how our childrens' week, school and friendships are going; in addition to seeing to it that our husbands don't feel neglected, that our parents are okay, and that we reach out to friends to keep our other relationships healthy. Add to this laundry, dishes, cleaning, ironing, shopping, and activities, and it is no wonder it seems so hard to stay in the present moment.
That being said, it's still worth a try. When we can stay in the moment, life takes on a sweetness. We really hear our kids and spouses. Feeling present and focused allows us to really enjoy them and celebrate who they are. They are not perfect, neither are we. We need to give them, as well as ourselves, some slack. Every child is different. Each needs different things, responds to different things, and above all, has very different gifts and talents that will amaze us.
Our relationships with our spouses or significant others can stay strong and passionate if given continual consideration and attention. Though there are times when divorce is necessary, there are instances in which it might have been avoided if only each person could have remembered to live in the moment, to cut each other some slack, paid attention, and made an effort to remember why they fell in love in the first place.
When we live in the moment, we also see what really needs to be done versus what can be forgotten or rescheduled for another time. If we remain present, we allow things to fall into place naturally and very often be resolved for us.
For one day, try not to think about any day but today.
If things come up that you think you'll forget, simply write them down for tomorrow. Keep reminding yourself, "stay in the moment and enjoy today." Enjoy those around you wherever you are. Staying in the moment allows you to be focused, centered, and grounded and allows your body to relax and stay healthy. Try one day, you'll love it!
This is an excellent point and well written. Keep writing. You are a wealth of knowledge.