Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Love Yourself

You cannot take care of yourself if you don't love yourself.  You may not be perfect.  You are not perfect because no one is perfect.  You may want to change some things about yourself, but you need to love yourself.

We all need to love ourselves.  We need to stop criticizing ourselves, comparing ourselves to others, and competing with others.  How can we love who we are if we think and speak negatively about ourselves?  We don't give ourselves a chance to enjoy who we are.  We set up a situation in our bodies where we feel the need to protect ourselves from the most significant person in our life - our own self!

Our bodies then carry this self-destructive energy around which adversely affects our health and greatly impacts how we take care of ourselves.  This only serves to increase the tension we hold in our bodies.  When we can feel that we love ourselves, we bathe our bodies in the best energy possible.


So how do we stop this destructive pattern and begin to love who we are?

1) Realize you are ok as you are right now.  Give yourself a break.  Stop expecting perfection.  You will realize I'm not perfect as you read my blogs.  I am ok with that because I know for sure that I am not perfect.  And when you can let that go, it is a huge burden lifted.

2) Stop criticizing yourself and putting yourself down to others.  You wouldn't continually put your friends down.  You wouldn't want to hurt them like that.  And your friends wouldn't stick around for very long putting up with that.

3) Repeat throughout the day "I'm ok" or " I love myself just the way I am."  Louise Hay suggests saying "I love you" in the mirror everyday throughout the day until it sinks in.

4) You will notice you start doing nice things for yourself and taking better care of yourself.  You will feel much more relaxed as you start to love who you are.  And you will see your true personality shine through as you feel accepted and loved as you are.

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