Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Savor Your Victories

This week's blog is a guest blog.  Let me know what you think.

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
                                                                 - Margaret Thatcher
                                                                    Former British Prime Minister

 No doubt life can, at times, make us question everything and everyone.  There are days when crawling back under the covers seems the only logical course of action.  There are those times when we do our very best to be our very best, yet we fall short.  In such circumstances, we very often choose to blame and reproach ourselves for just not being good enough, or smart enough, or elegant, or wise, or quick, or strong, or competent.  We mistakenly internalize all that goes wrong and assume complete responsibility for it.  We chastise ourselves for not being able to do simple things such as...oh I don't know...say, divine the future, or predict another person's reactions or actions.  We then use precious energy to ruminate over what could, should, or would have been done if we hadn't been so incompetent.  We expect perfection from ourselves, but fail to honor even good faith efforts.

We forget that our own actions are the only ones we can control.  We forget that life is not lived in a vacuum.  We forget to extend the kindness we show others to ourselves.  We forget that our challenges may persist so that we might step-up our game; so that we can learn and grow.  We may find ourselves engaged in a 'battle' that finds us completely ill-equipped to win; some situation or circumstance that is totally new to us.  Sometimes we choose to venture into new territory, sometimes we are thrust into it.  Either way, we must remember that every bit of strength or cleverness required resides within us already.  It just needs to be summoned.

Maybe we can handle things brilliantly the first time around.  But maybe not.  The only thing that will truly defeat us is if we lose faith in ourselves.  When fear and self-doubt start creeping in, we start to slide just as surely as if we were on a muddy mountainside.  We grasp and panic and struggle...and lose hope and motivation.  Our only defense is the simple realization that perfection is an illusion, it is tenacity and courage that win the day.

Today's action:  Take a minute to think not of things you wish you'd done differently, or handled "better," but of 3 examples of times when you persevered and overcame whatever it was that needed fixing or managing.  Try to ruminate over a few victories rather than defeats.

Give yourself a pat on the back, literally (yes, it can be done, I do it all the time), for things you've accomplished, be they seemingly tiny things that no one else might know, or great big public achievements.  Savor those moments.  And know that you are far more than the sum of your parts.  

                                                                                                                    Susan Dowgiala

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Being The True You

Being the true you is really the only way to be healthy and happy.

We know this to be true, don't we?  If we can be ourselves at home, it is the best place to be.  We re-energize ourselves at home when we can just "be."  But if we feel criticized or guarded around our family or others we live with, we don't feel comfortable or happy in our homes.  Isn't this true?

Being the true you means just being you despite what others think, say, or expect of you.  How they respond reflects on them.  It is their issue, not yours.  Of course it's not okay to be rude to them; but I think we care too much about what others think about us and our choices.  It's our job to be ourselves and allow others to be the same.  It is not okay for either party to take all the power in the relationship.  It should be 50/50.  Don't allow others to manipulate you or control you in a relationship.  As children, we didn't have a choice about who was in control, but as adults we do.

It is our job and our right to decide who we want to be.  Come up with your own ideas, rather than what you think others will like, even society.  Who are you?  What do you truly enjoy?  Many people think "society" knows what's best. be it where we should live, what kind of house we should live in, what kind of counter tops we should have, etc.  We think society knows what beauty is, what a good career is, what activities we should be doing.  How is that even possible if everyone is unique?  We all have different needs and wants.  We are individuals.

When we are not our true selves, it causes tension in our bodies.  We become afraid that we won't measure up to others.  How can we remain relaxed in our bodies when our thoughts are filled with fear?  When we are true, we relax into ourselves.


You may at first feel nervous when trying to be the true you.  Will others like you?  Will they be mad at you for not being who they want you to be?  Even if they are mad, they will get over it.  They may like you even better because you'll be more relaxed and happy.

Sometimes I hear a person who has been married a long time say, "my spouse is not the same person I fell in love with."  It is possible that they were their true self at first and then became the person they thought was expected of them in being married and being a parent.  Sometimes the person changes in response to our trying to change them to be more like what we want.  It's not their true self, nor is it fair to ask them to change.  You may be happier to let them be their true self again.

Give yourself permission to be yourself and give others the same permission.  Life will be so much more fun!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Work the energy out

In order to stay healthy, we need to release the things that bother us.  Saying it out loud is one way, another is through movement.  We can physically work it out of us.  We can dance it out, punch it out, kick it out, wiggle it out, anything at all; so long as we do it with the intention to move it out of us.

But to really get it out, we need to fully connect with where it is held in our body.  If you are angry, truly feel the anger and notice what tightens up inside you.  Do you feel it in your stomach?  Do you feel it in your chest?  Does your whole back tighten up? Or your neck or jaw?  Do you get a headache? Where do you feel it?

How strong is the feeling?  Are you just a little upset?  Are you furious?  However you feel, match the intensity.  It's fine to feel annoyed and it's fine to feel crazed.  Don't judge your feelings; simply feel them.  Make sure no one is around to feel your wrath.

Do you feel sad?  Hopeless?  Defeated?  Frustrated?  Confused?  Betrayed?  It's all okay.  It's what you feel.


So go ahead.  Punch a pillow.  Shake a pillow.  Beat your hands on the ground.  Kick a kick bag or do push-ups.  Punch a heavy bag or something made for that purpose.  Put music on and dance around.  Run around the house.  Do whatever feels right to you.  Connect to where you feel it and breathe it out of you.

Other feelings may surface as you do this.  Or you may feel the same emotion, but about something different.  Let all of it come up.  When it feels like the feelings are gone, take a deep breath.  You may feel tired or rung out, but you will feel better.

Now continue to dance around or punch it out with the intention to re-energize yourself.  Get the energy inside you moving.  You'll feel the endorphin levels increase, or the "runner's high" kick in. Feel yourself moving the good, positive energy through you. When you start to feel good again, you'll know you're done for now.  Go enjoy something!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Say it out loud

Saying what we need to say is very important, otherwise it holds in our body as tension.  What we want to say may not always seem appropriate.  Once expressed, it may hurt someone's feelings, cause more tension or be said at the wrong time.  We may jump the gun and say something that hasn't been tested as true yet.

But what I'm talking about right now is getting things off our chest in privacy.  What we hold inside needs to come out.  It is important to release the energy held with the thoughts and words.  Our throat is generally where it is held.  We can feel the tension in our TMJ's, or jaw, and our neck.  Holding stuff in is not good.  The thoughts or things that we hold inside need not necessarily be said to another person, but simply expressed, out loud, to ourselves.  Many times it is both more prudent and beneficial if we express such thoughts in private.  We just need to get it out rather than hold it inside.


When you are alone, say what's bothering you.  Say it when no one will hear you and say it with emotion.  Get it out!  Let loose!  Saying it releases the energy held inside. When we talk to others, we don't usually say everything and we don't say it with all the emotion it carries.

It needs to be said with the intention of saying it and letting it go.  What is the point of holding on to it? Take as long as you need and use whatever words you need to in order to truly express and release it. You don't have to filter your words, no one can hear.  It can be biased, a matter of opinion, ugly, unkind, whatever.  When you feel it's all out, take a deep breath, then say something positive to replace that energy.  Something like: "I release this and trust it will all fall into place," "I let it go and fill myself up with happiness," or "I'm done being mad, I don't need this anymore."

It's also very good to start speaking out loud about what you want in life, as opposed to what you don't want.  Use the power of words, thoughts, and feelings to your advantage.  Stop using words to complain and bring yourself down.  There must be a balance.  You can't hold everything in and you needn't dwell and complain about it all the time.  Get it out and leave it there.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Living in the Moment

If we could just live one day at a time and stop thinking about the future, we could really enjoy the day.  This is sometimes easier said than done when we have bills to pay, a job to do, and if we have a family to raise.

Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful husband who helps me quite a bit.  I know I am fortunate in that respect.  But very often one person (often the mom) has the family schedule in her head.  We know where everyone has to be for the whole week. We know when appointments and play dates are, what homework has to be done, showers taken, vitamins and medicines to be taken, birthdays to be remembered, etc.  As parents, we also try to remember that each person in the family needs to be shown love and attention.  We need to show that we care about how our childrens' week, school and friendships are going; in addition to seeing to it that our husbands don't feel neglected, that our parents are okay, and that we reach out to friends to keep our other relationships healthy.  Add to this laundry, dishes, cleaning, ironing, shopping, and activities, and it is no wonder it seems so hard to stay in the present moment.

That being said, it's still worth a try.  When we can stay in the moment, life takes on a sweetness.  We really hear our kids and spouses.  Feeling present and focused allows us to really enjoy them and celebrate who they are.  They are not perfect, neither are we.  We need to give them, as well as ourselves, some slack.  Every child is different.  Each needs different things, responds to different things, and above all, has very different gifts and talents that will amaze us.

Our relationships with our spouses or significant others can stay strong and passionate if given continual consideration and attention.  Though there are times when divorce is necessary, there are instances in which it might have been avoided if only each person could have remembered to live in the moment, to cut each other some slack, paid attention, and made an effort to remember why they fell in love in the first place.

When we live in the moment, we also see what really needs to be done versus what can be forgotten or rescheduled for another time.  If we remain present, we allow things to fall into place naturally and very often be resolved for us.


For one day, try not to think about any day but today.

If things come up that you think you'll forget, simply write them down for tomorrow.  Keep reminding yourself, "stay in the moment and enjoy today."  Enjoy those around you wherever you are.  Staying in the moment allows you to be focused, centered, and grounded and allows your body to relax and stay healthy.  Try one day, you'll love it!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Simplify your schedule

Running around definitely adds to the tension in your body.  Most people have too much on their plate when it comes to schedules.  Some don't have enough, but most have too much.  Especially those in the 25-50 age range who are trying to balance jobs, kids, parents, homes, relationships, and other obligations.  We can do it all, just not always at once.

Why can't we say no to things that are not essential at this point in our lives?  We need to sometimes take a step back and reassess our lives.  Are we happy?  Are we being effective with the time we have?  Are we utilizing our time in a way that allows us to enjoy life?  Are we spending time with those we care about?  Are we spending it on activities we really want to do?

People talk about a mid-life crisis happening around 40-50, but I think some experience it even younger now.  It doesn't have to be a crisis, it can be more of a step back, a break, a reassessment if you will.  We don't need to make major changes if we catch it soon enough.  We designed the life we have; we just didn't realize as we were building it that it would become too heavy and weigh us down.  That's when people start talking about fantasies of running away, living on an island, getting out of marriages, or how life will be once the kids move out.  Some look to affairs, which don't carry the weight of commitment or the expectations or hurts often accumulated in marriages.  It's not our spouses, kids or parents that are the problem; it's us.  We need to check in with and find where we lost touch with ourselves and our deepest needs and desires.

When we can lighten our schedules and spend some time thinking of how we want to spend our time, we can make changes without hurting those around us.  It really isn't about them.  It's us.  Sometimes we do find that we are in situations that are not healthy for us, such as a relationship, a job, a financial state or lifestyle that is weighing us down.  But if we're too busy, we won't clearly see what needs to change.


Look at your schedule and the way you do things in your daily life.  See what can be shifted or eliminated to give you free time, then use that time to reassess how you are living your life.  Start adding in fun things you like to do to start balancing out your life.  But always keep some space, so you are not running around.  At the end of my life, I'd like to say that I left the world a better place but also that I really enjoyed my time here.  Are you enjoying your time?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Clean Your House Out

Everything is made of energy, including the things in our home.  By filling up our home, we are filling up our space with energy.  Over time, we can feel this energy dragging on us.  If we are using the things we have or are enjoying their beauty, they add to our life.  If not, they are weighing us down. Even just looking at clutter, or a "forgotten" pile of stuff can weigh on us.

Take a hotel room for instance.  When you walk into a nice, clean hotel room, don't you feel relaxed?  It is free of clutter and things are always placed in ways that are pleasing to the eye, organized and functional.  Only things that are essential or beautiful are in the room.  There is nothing unnecessary piled up, needing to be fixed, or dealt with.

When you give away or throw away things, it frees up space and leaves you feeling lighter.  Your body instantly relaxes.  You also free up space for new things to come into your life.  If you can recycle things, by either giving them away, selling them, or reusing them more effectively, you are putting them back into circulation in the world to be useful again. Either way, you are freeing up space and energy is able to circulate in your house again.


Start cleaning out your house.  You can do this in small bits or all at once.  I find breaking it down into smaller projects is more practical for most. You can take a room at a time, or a closet, or a drawer.  Along the way you must remember to ask yourself some key questions.  Why am I keeping it?  Will I ever use it?  Do I need 4 pairs of scissors?  Do I need a whole drawer of first aid items (how old is that ointment anyway?!)?  By the time I lose the weight, will this outfit even be in style anymore?  Do I need 10 pairs of jeans?  When will I look at all those school art projects stuffed in that bin?

Either finish up projects, such as a book you started 3 years ago, or move on.  Hang the pictures or put them away.  Donate books to the library if you're not going to read them again.  This will free up the shelves for beautiful objects and space.  Do you need collections of things or are they cluttering up the house?

Help others by donating gently used items such as winter coats and blankets.  There are so many ways to help others, while at the same time, helping yourself.  Sometimes it's as simple as giving things away that others need and would be extremely grateful for.  When you give, you will always receive back in some way.

Kitchen cabinets usually hold way too much stuff:  plastic storage containers, mugs and random items we collect over the years.  Bathroom cabinets hold old, expired medicine bottles, and fragrant lotions we thought we'd use.  Basements should only really hold seasonal and household items such as stocks of extra paper towels, etc., not things we think one day we might need if we get another house.

Keep your things in the present time, not things of the past or things for the future.  You will feel more relaxed, energized and ready to spend your energy on things of your choosing.  Free your space and you'll see just how amazing you'll feel.  Enjoy your new surroundings!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Love life!

Fall in love with life!  Think about all the things you love in life.  Wake up each morning saying "What are you going to show me today God?"  Expect good things to happen each day.  Each morning, take time to think of all the things you love and are grateful for.  You can think of things you've experienced, things you have, things going on in your life now, and things you'd like to experience or have. Think about anything that makes you feel good.

By starting your day this way, you are starting on a positive note.  Even if things are not going well right now.  Forget those things and focus on the good.  Focusing on the bad or negative will not get you out of it.  Even if you can't think of a lot right now, focusing on the good will start to shift things in the right direction.

By thinking about good things, you are flooding your body with good energy.  The energy is already inside you, it just needs some waking up to get circulating.  As you think on these things, imagine energy throbbing or pulsating through you.  You can imagine it as swirling around you as a positive force field or as a magnet attracting good things to you.  You can feel it as it flows up and down your body, grounding you and giving you roots and branches.  You can feel it radiating out of you to touch people around you.  You can imagine it anyway you want.

You will be amazed how things will begin to shift in your life little by little, and sometimes even dramatically.  Doing this is very good for your health as well.  It brings nourishment from the inside.


Start today.  You can do it anytime of day.  You can do it all day.  The more you do it, the more good things you'll see happen and the better you will feel.  Those around you will benefit as well, feeling the good vibes emanating from you.  You can help others just by doing this for yourself.  Energize yourself and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Be Yourself

When we allow ourselves to be who we truly are, and not who we think others want us to be, our bodies can relax.  When we try to accommodate the expectations of others by pretending or straining to be someone we are not, we waste vital energy.  Our bodies cannot maintain such inconsistencies without becoming both mentally and physically drained.

Would you expect that of another?  Wouldn't you prefer others to be themselves around you?  Why then do we think we have to be someone we're not in order to make others happy?

It takes too much energy to be someone you are not.  Our bodies become tense when trying to put on a show for others.  As you now know, tension wreaks havoc all over the body.  It is so important to remain true to yourself, to your likes and dislikes, to your dreams, your quirkiness, and your needs.

Take time to think about who you really are.  What music do you like?  What do you enjoy doing?  It's not necessary to fit into one neat little mold.  You can pick and choose the activities you most enjoy, regardless of how disparate they might seem to others.  It's okay to like to watch TV.  You don't have to be involved in a dozen activities, tiring yourself out, just to make a "good impression" on others. You don't have to be the next Martha Stewart decorating, cooking, or crafting from dawn 'til dusk.  Stay true to your own interests and capabilities.  Take a moment to listen to your thoughts, your heart and your body.

Do you like being alone or spending time with others?  Do you enjoy relaxing activities or exciting activities or perhaps a mix of both?  Do you like your hair long, short, or bald?  Do you like to wear makeup or not?  Do you dress according to the latest styles even if you don't like them, or are you more comfortable in classic pieces?

Do you ever take the time to wonder what motivates you to make the choices you make without fear of judgement?  Do you sometimes wonder why we do what we do?


Be who you want to be and be proud of who you are.  We cannot please everyone.  Why not please ourselves by remaining true to ourselves; and allow others to be themselves?  Take the time to consciously choose.  Enjoy yourself!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Trusting that all is well

Trusting that all is well is one of the best things you can do for your health mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  It releases tension, which is harmful to your body, mind, and spirit.  Believing "all is well" is sometimes easier said than done, but worth the try.

Saying "all is well" to yourself means not only saying it, but also hearing it and letting it sink in.  You have to say it until you feel it, so the thought can infiltrate through your cells.  This simple practice allows your body to relax and get out of stress mode, which I've described in past blogs.  It allows you to trust that though you may not see the whole picture, things can be working themselves out right now.  Some people believe that things only work out if they themselves do something about it.  They think that they are fully responsible for something to come to fruition.  They don't feel as though there is a larger power out there that can help them.  It can be very tiring when you feel that you are your only resource. And it can feel very lonely.

Imagine that there is a force that helps expedite or fix things that you can't figure out how to handle? Wouldn't that be amazing?  Wouldn't you be able to relax a little?  Wouldn't you feel relief?  Take a moment to feel what it feels like if that were true right now....because it is true.  And it is very healthy for your body to experience that feeling throughout the day.

Try it for one day.  Keep repeating "all is well," and allowing that to sink into your body.  You can add "everything is working itself out," "the money will come from somewhere," "my relationship with this person can change," "the answer will come to me," or "the right person, people or opportunity will come into my life."

Doing this takes the stress out of trying to figure things out and releases a lot of the burden we tend to carry.  It's true when they say "ask and it shall be given to you."  It happens, but we have to remember to give it time to work.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Energy Blocks

Energy is supposed to flow through us, up and down, from head to toe and back up again, as well as radiate outward throughout our tissues.  When our energy does not flow, our health will suffer in some way.  Energy with low frequency is usually what holds, or gets stuck, in pockets throughout our body. It can hold in muscle, fascia, and organs.  The origins of this energy can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.  It can also be a combination of these.

Though you can hold any types of energy anywhere in your body, they do tend to hold in specific areas.  Anger and resentment hold in the liver.  Frustration and indecision hold in the gall bladder. Hurt, abandonment, and betrayal hold in the heart.  Grief and sadness hold in the lungs.  Fear, worry, and concern hold in the kidneys.  Anxiety and feeling stressed out hold in the adrenal glands, which sit above the kidneys.  The pancreas holds life/death issues and shock.  The stomach holds daily stresses and gut instinct issues.  The large intestine, or colon, holds control issues or resistance to change.  The small intestine holds food sensitivities and feeling out of control regarding something.  These are some examples of where certain emotions are held within your body.

Memories hold in the body as well, usually in the mind or in the body where the related emotions are held. Memories of an injury can also be held specifically in the area affected by the injury.  Let's look at an example.

If a person was in a car accident, and he injured his neck, he may be holding onto the memory and associated emotions of the accident.  He may have had physical therapy or other treatments, but the pain has not completely gone away.  He could be holding the image, shock, fear, or disbelief of seeing the accident about to happen.  Chances are that immediately prior to the accident, he tensed up and held his breath.  Under such circumstances, the ribcage can actually continue to hold in an inhaled position. The person could be holding regret for being there in the first place; thinking "I should have just gone home. Why did I stop at the store?"  The physical energy of the impact can be lodged in the tissues.  If the person or others in the car were injured, he could be holding guilt, sadness, anger, etc.  If the person's life changed afterward, causing pain, loss of job, or loss of car, that energy is added to the mix.

Another example is that of a person whose car was hit from behind.  She most likely got the wind knocked out of her and her ribcage is holding exhaled.  She may now be nervous driving, wondering if the car behind her will slow down and stop or if she will be hit again.  This anxiety can translate into other areas of her life.  She might now be uncharacteristically jumpy or "waiting for the other shoe to drop."


Are any of the areas of your body listed above bothering you lately?  Do any of the related emotions seem to be something you could be holding?  Think about it for a bit.  Could you be holding onto stuff? How about when the pain or problem started, was there something going on that could have instigated the problem?  Have you had any past injuries that may still be affecting you? Could you be holding on to the memories and emotions, even if it's not on your mind lately?  How about stressful times in the past that may be holding on, stuck somewhere in your body;  such as a divorce, the loss of a parent or family member?  Any confusing times?

Give yourself a few minutes to think back.  Most likely you will think of something and memories or feelings that are ready to come up will do so.  If things don't come up easily, you can help the process along with your hands. Place your hands around the area, imagining you are holding it with love and warmth to help it release and heal.  You can gently move your hands around massaging the area.  You also can gently pulse or vibrate the area to help move the energy along.  Use no judgement in what comes up.  It is what it is and needs to release.  You will feel better, lighter.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Take a day off!

Sometimes we need a day off!  Many think a mental health day is not a legitimate excuse for a day off.  Many people also feel guilty for doing nothing or going out and having fun even on their days off.

Fun and rest are essential to staying healthy.  Enjoyment is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.  Overworking, worrying, taking life too seriously, and feeling guilty, or unworthy of enjoyment are truly harmful to us. 

We only have one life here on earth.  Enjoy it!  I can't stress it enough.  The body relaxes when we rest and have fun.  Blood flows easier, nerves calm down, sending fewer signals of pain and need for protection, the endocrine system keeps hormones balanced, the immune system does not need to respond to stressors; and in general, homeostasis is maintained. 

Have a day off!  Stay healthy!  Go have fun!  Or stay home, but don't clean or do other chores you don't enjoy.  See how your view of things changes and how good you feel.  Once you try, you may want to incorporate a day off into your regular schedule.

Not only is it preferable to stay healthy than to wait until you are sick and have to nurse yourself back to health, it is also less expensive.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Don't worry what others think.  This is your life and you get to live it your way. 

If you need permission, I give you permission to think of yourself.  Others will benefit from you being happy and healthy.  Enjoy yourself!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

When life flows

When life flows easily, you know you are where you are supposed to be.  This doesn't necessarily mean that when things are hard, you are in the wrong place.  You may be growing through the tough times.  But when things flow and everything you've been waiting on falls into place, it is the most amazing feeling in the world. Since I finally made changes at work, I feel vibrant and relaxed.  People say I have a sparkle back in my eyes, and I love to go to work again.

Clients love the new office, I love it too, and my treatments have been amazing.  I do miss working with my husband.  I miss some clients that could not continue because I no longer take insurance.  I already love what I do and not having the pressure and complications of taking insurance has really relaxed me, which in turn helps me treat better.

But enough about me.  I just wanted to give you a practical example of how once you stop thinking you are selfish and foolish for wanting what you want and going after it, or thinking it's possible and being open to guidance, things have a way of shifting into place.  And it is amazing!  I hope everyone can release the limiting thoughts that it's not possible to have your heart's desires.  I think when we give ourselves permission to be happy and really absorb that, anything is possible.


Every day, sit still, get relaxed and listen to what's inside.  Allow God to speak to you in words, images, feelings, or ideas.  What's on the agenda today?  Take one day at a time.  Looking at all that needs to be done can be overwhelming.  Small actions each day, guided by God and your inner calmness, add up and multiply.  It is truly amazing as it all comes together.  I wish you happiness, abundance, and peace!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Doing what's right for you

I'm sorry I missed my blog last week, but I was busy changing my work life.  I've been meaning to change it for a while, but was afraid to hurt others.  I knew what I needed to do, but when I think it might hurt others, I tend to stall.

It all goes along with my blog, doing what's right for you.  In saying that, I think we need to be considerate of others.  I'm not saying that we should completely disregard others, but we do have to remember to honor ourselves too.

I recently stopped taking insurance as payment for my physical therapy treatments and now accept only self-pay.  That may not sound like much, but in doing so, several things needed to happen.  I had to downsize my company, which meant my husband no longer had a job doing my billing, etc., and I also moved to a new, smaller space.  The two people who rented space from me then needed to move as well.  I had clients who needed to finish PT, find another PT, or start paying out of pocket.

The upside is that my life will be simpler.  I can be freer to treat clients more hoilstically than ever before.  I don't have to deal with the insurance games.   I'll have a day off to be with my kids more, my husband is now free to work on his own work and enjoy more free time at home as well, and my clients now have far more freedom in their choice and frequency of treatment.  As it turned out, my two renters each found spaces that they love.

When you finally fight your fears and do what you know in your heart is the way to go, things magically fall into place and you end up happier.

In making my changes, I can focus more on my family, which is important to me.  I can focus on my blog and the book that I am writing.  I would also love to teach someday.  These changes are all for the better.  I know in the end my husband, my kids, and my clients will all be happier as well.  If not, I'll have to bear in mind that we can't always make everyone happy.  But it is not worth living unhappily trying to please everyone else.


I hope my story helps inspire you.  If something was coming up inside of you as you were reading this, then maybe there is something you need to do. Take it as a sign.  We all want to be happy in this life.  There is nothing selfish about that.  Whether it's about work, a relationship, an addiction to be faced, or any other changes you'd like to make in your life,  I hope this blog helps.

Take time to think it through, all the pros and cons, and get deep inside yourself to help you make a decision.  Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith and go for it.  Once you've decided, take some time to plan it all out.  It doesn't have to be done in one day, but try not to let it linger forever either.  I wish you well.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Forgiving Others Affects Your Body

Most people don't like to read things on forgiveness, either because they don't feel they need it or they don't want to forgive someone.  You may feel you have no one to forgive because you have already done so; but sometimes remnants can remain in your body.  If you don't want to forgive or don't feel as though you can because someone really hurt you, or what they did dramatically affected your life, you are sabotaging your health and happiness more than you know.

Forgiveness is not condoning what the other person did.  It is not excusing them.  Forgiveness is about you.  Holding on to a lack of forgiveness is like poison in your body.  It eats away at you.  It affects how you interact with others and yourself.  Forgiving cleanses you and your energy field.  When you don't forgive, you carry that person or circumstance with you in your energy field.  It's as if they or their transgression still maintains a profound influence in your life.

Magical things can happen when you finally release them from your field.  Animosity and resentment, two feelings which often accompany a lack of forgiveness, are heavy negative weights you carry.  Even if you think you have let it go, the body may still be holding onto it.  We can hold it in our liver, our heart, or as tension all over.  Letting it go has physical manifestations.  Doing so allows our organs to function better, our immune system to relax and not have to protect us, and our muscles to relax and be flexible.  We can feel lighter and trust life again.  We can trust God to take care of things.

I have seen way too many people hold on to old stuff.  It hurts them, their loved ones, and their lives in general.  I know it is easier said than done, but forgiving is well worth the effort.


Whatever you need to do, you need to do.  Writing a letter to the person (that you will never send) helps express all the feelings.  Don't worry about spelling, grammar, nice language, etc.  Let it spill out of you as it is inside.  Explore every aspect of the situation and every thought and feeling about the person or offense.

At the end, finish in a positive way.  You can write "I forgive this person," " I release this person or offense from my energy field and my life," "I wish them well in life," "I hope they have moved on and are treating others better," "I trust God is handling it all from here on out," or whatever seems to fit the bill.  Whatever works to release the anger, sadness, betrayal, or any other feelings you have inside.  Then throw it away, shred it, or burn it.  You do not need to keep it.  In fact, you don't want to keep it.  Release it and the negative feelings for good.

You may need to do this a few times, but it works.  It really works.  Once you can think of the other person without negative feelings coming up, it is resolved.  Even if you simply feel less anger than before, it is still healthy for you and your life.  You will feel lighter and begin to see good things happen in your life.  Give yourself this gift!     

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happiness, Joy, and Laughter

Most of us take life too seriously.  Life is supposed to be fun!  If we can slow down and not be in such a rush as we go through our day, we could actually enjoy it.  We could talk to people in the waiting room or the grocery line.  We could brighten up someone's day who may be really down or lonely.  We don't have to be so busy that we trudge through our day. 

We should schedule buffers throughout our day, allow more time to get places. We could drive slower and sing along to songs on the radio.  Who cares if people see us bopping along to the music, it might even lift someone else up and make them smile by seeing us enjoy ourselves.  Maybe that would allow them to give themselves permission to relax and do the same.

Life is short.  As we get older, we realize we ought to have fun each day because today is all we know we have.  No one knows what tomorrow may bring.  Once we pass, we will move to another dimension...which is great, but we might as well have as much fun possible here in this dimension.


Allow yourself to be happy.  Let go of any worries, even if just for today.  Put your worries in God's hands today and just enjoy.  Say "God, can you just take care of everything today and resolve whatever needs to be resolved today.  I'm going to enjoy my day!"  Do that for today and see what happens.  If it works, try it each morning.  You'll see it works and life then seems to fall into place and issues start to resolve themselves.  Life is supposed to be fun!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Live an Amazing Life

We truly have so much in life.  It is easy to forget all the great things we have in our lives when we find ourselves facing tough times.  But we are alive and have the ability to improve our lives through the use of energy.  Sometimes people think that we have little or no control of how our lives go.  Using the concept of energy, and how we influence the energy around us, can shift our lives dramatically.

The law of attraction states that positive thoughts attract positive things.  Unfortunately the opposite happens too.  So when we let our minds dwell on negative things, we can energetically spiral downward.  Don't let that happen.  The deeper we go, the harder it is to change it.  Think on anything good, anything you love, and anything you are grateful for, no matter how big or small.  When you string a bunch of good thoughts and feelings along, it will raise your energy frequency and the energy around you changes. 

You can see and feel this when someone very happy or peaceful enters a room; they radiate that happiness and peace.  The opposite also happens, where you can feel the anger radiating from someone furious.  It reminds me of the Peanuts character Pigpen, a cloud of dirt surrounded him wherever he went.

When the happiness and love radiates from you, the energy around you and the energy of circumstances in your life shifts to be more positive.  It is a law of nature.  Even if circumstances do not change quickly, you may feel differently about the situation, perhaps not caring as much, or not being upset by it.

Keep it up, make a new habit out of it.  Focus on good things and eventually things will change for the better.  The more you do it, the sooner things change.  You need to change the inside first for things to change on the outside.  Most people think the opposite, saying "when things change, I will be happy."  But that's not how it works.

In relationships, thinking about the things you do not like about the other person will only make the problem bigger.  No one is perfect.  If you keep reminding yourself of the things you do like about the person, you will see your feelings change for the better and will see more good things come from the person.  The same thing can happen in your job.  Focus on what you like about it and things will change for the better.  Circumstances will change; perhaps a new opportunity will appear, because you are radiating good energy.


Keep thinking about good things.  Keep feeling good about things and people in your life.  Keep noticing what you have to be grateful for in your life.  Allow yourself to think that anything is possible to come into your life.  As you radiate more positive energy, you will notice life shift for the better.  If negative thoughts try to take over, flood yourself with the positive ones until you feel yourself shift to feeling good again.  It may take time, but it really works.  You will also feel much more relaxed in your body, which by now you should know is really healthy.  Think happy thoughts!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The "Right" Exercise

You probably have already guessed what I'm going to say, but listen to your body.  What does your body like?   What do you like to do?

Naturally, everyone has different needs.  Here are a few thoughts to bear in mind when choosing an exercise plan.

Enjoyment-- The more fun and enjoyable an activity is, the more likely you are to fully engage in it and stick with it.  Enjoyment in the body is very relaxing and healing.  When you are enjoying something, your sympathetic system, part of your nervous system, relaxes.

What do you enjoy?  Do you like working out at the gym?  Do you enjoy exercise classes?  Yoga?  Do you prefer to swim, or walk in the neighborhood?  Do you like playing organized sports?  Do you like hiking, biking, working in the yard, cleaning out the basement or building things?  Find something you enjoy!

Mixing it up-- Mixing things up helps to work different muscle groups and joints in different ways, as well as maintain our interest in the process. Generally speaking, routines are good for us, but when it comes to exercise, we can get bored.  If our exercise routine becomes boring to us, we may find we start to dread doing it and find excuses why we "just have no time to fit it in," start skipping it, and eventually give it up all together.  We subsequently start to feel guilty for not keeping it up.  Sound familiar?

Guilt is definitely not a healthy tension to hold in the body.  Feeling as though we can't "stick to something," like we've failed or given up, or worrying that we'll never be able to shed that extra weight, can be very stressful on the body.

How it makes you feel-- How do you feel while you are exercising?  Do you feel like you are really working your body in a good way?  Does the exercise hurt?  Pay attention to your body.  A general rule to follow is:  if it hurts during exercising, don't do that particular exercise because your body is not ready for it yet.  If your body hurts later or the next day, you may have done too much at once or perhaps didn't stretch enough afterwards.  If it doesn't hurt, then you are probably good to go.

Discomfort is not the same as hurting.  You can sometimes be uncomfortable at the beginning; but as you continue to work out, your muscles seem to like it.  Remember that after starting a new exercise, you may be sore for the next couple days.  Ease into it and pace yourself.

Take a few moments to notice how you feel after exercising?  Do you feel energized, happy?  Do you feel productive and ready to take on other projects?  Or do you feel exhausted or in pain?  Your body will guide you.

Reality-- Going to the gym or having time for a long workout may not be a reality for you.  You may have young children or other responsibilities.  Take that into consideration.  Involve them by going for a walk or bike ride together.  If you are at the soccer or baseball field, walk around the perimeter as they practice.  Take them to a playground and walk a few laps around the park as they play.

Indoors, you can put music on and dance around with the kids, which is usually a big hit.  Do sit-ups using them as weight.  You can also add ankle or arm weights and walk around.  There are a lot of creative ways to exercise.


The main point is:  just move!  Do something.  How long or how hard you exercise is not the most important part...just begin.  Not exercising because beginning seems so daunting is usually what keeps people from starting.  They think "do it right or don't do it at all."  Not true.  "No pain, no gain" is not true either.

I say listen to your body.  It will steer you right.  It will tell you what you need.  Think of some activities that you think would be fun, write them down, and pick one to start.  Remember to begin gradually to avoid injury and, most importantly, have fun!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The "Right" Diet

Everyone knows we should eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, less sugar, and less processed foods, but there is no absolute "right" diet for everyone.  How do we know what to eat?

Listen to your body.  How does your stomach feel after you eat?  How is your energy level an hour after you eat?  Are you tired, sluggish, or irritable afterwards?  Does your stomach feel light or heavy?  Do you feel bloated or is your stomach rumbling trying to digest for the next couple hours?

I am 43 years old and finally paying attention to what my body is really saying about what I'm eating.  I've known for years my body doesn't like cheese, though my taste buds do.  My body doesn't like heavy meats, it feels like I have a lead weight inside for hours after eating.  My body also doesn't like a lot of bread or pasta, it hangs out on my hips.  It doesn't like a lot of food at once.  It likes to eat smaller portions throughout the day.  When I listen to my body, I simply feel better.

My body does like protein in things like omelets, protein shakes, chicken, and turkey.  My body doesn't like soda, though my taste buds and my mind do.  Soda can cause bloating and, in addition to alcohol and caffeinated drinks, can be very dehydrating...even into the next day.  As an occasional treat, I  have a little bit of Coca-Cola.  I haven't fully given that one up yet, though I know I'll feel better physically when I do.

That brings up another point.  We need to be realistic.  It's all about balance.  Eating healthy is important, but it's not healthy to stress yourself over it.  Doing so is both counter-productive and counter-intuitive.  I've known people that would not dare eat something unhealthy and eventually became miserable and afraid of everything they ate.  The tension in their bodies was even more detrimental to them than if they had eaten junk food.

A good rule of thumb is "80/20."  Eat 80% healthy foods and allow yourself to indulge in less healthy foods 20% of the time.  This allows you to relax, which helps your body.  Denying yourself these small pleasures is not good for your body.  The feeling of pleasure is very healthy and natural.  The 80/20 idea also helps you stay on track; minimizing binges and/or giving up altogether.  Trying to stick to an overly restrictive plan is what causes "yo-yo dieting," which wreaks havoc on both emotional and physical well-being.

Balancing anything in life is like a pendulum. The farther you swing to one extreme, the farther you will swing in the opposite direction.  Eating the 80/20 way leaves you closer to the middle, where you won't swing into either extreme.


What is your body saying to you about foods you are eating?  Listen and play with it.  Eat something specific and see how you feel.  Then try not eating that same thing for a couple days and see if you notice a difference in how your body feels.

Experiment with foods.  Which foods make you feel the best; what do you digest the easiest?  What gives you energy and what depletes your energy?  What keeps your blood sugar level steady throughout the day?

There are a lot of diets or eating plans out there that do work, but none of them are one size fits all.  Only you can know for sure what works for your body.  Trust yourself to take care of yourself.  Try to pick healthy foods that you enjoy eating while allowing yourself to indulge from time to time.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Letting go of tension by feeling it out

In my last blog, I suggested releasing tension in the body by feeling and thinking good things.  Another way to release tension is to feel it out.  Sometimes, no matter how positive we try to be or how much we try to fill up with love, the negative energy is too trapped in the body to be released.  In that instance, we have to match the energy to be able to reach it and release it.

Sometimes when people are sad, they will listen to sad songs.  Though that sounds contradictory, they are allowing themselves to sit with the feeling and let it out.  The problem is many people will stay there and dwell on it.  There needs to be a balance to feeling your feelings.  If you completely deny a feeling, you will stuff it down inside you and it will become stored somewhere in your body.  But you also don't want to dwell on things by thinking and talking about them all the time.

The balanced, most healthy way to process negative feelings is to acknowledge them as they come up.  Simply feel them, and let them float away.  Feeling negative feelings is not a bad thing.  It is what we do with them that can get us into trouble; like hurting others, exacting revenge in some way, holding grudges, or not forgiving.

You can feel the emotions out by simply allowing the feelings to come up.  You don't have to analyze why they are there.  You don't have to come up with solutions to any problems, and you don't have to feel guilty for being mad, sad, frustrated, confused, scared, or even mixed up.

You may have a combination of many emotions, even some positive.  Everything that comes up is ok.

For example, when a person is considering divorce, there can be a mix of emotions, which may not be all negative.  That person wouldn't have stayed in the marriage if there weren't any good times or good feelings.  She/he can feel guilt, sadness, anger, confusion, and wonder if she/he is being selfish.  It is not an easy decision for anyone.

Writing down your feelings on paper is another way to release them.  It gets the negative energy out onto the paper.  It may take a few times to release all of the layers of feelings, but eventually you will notice the intensity of the words being used changes.  Again, feeling the feelings while listening to music can help, as well as singing along with feeling.  Grunting out frustration by punching a heavy bag or pillow, dancing, or putting the feelings into movement in some way all help as well.  Even though you cannot go back and change the past, allowing yourself to feel any regrets you have or picture how you wished things had turned out, helps to release the energy.

I've noticed that when you feel you have released a sufficient amount and feel better, it's always very helpful to then raise the vibration of energy up by speaking, doing or feeling positive things again.  Sometimes I will write all the junky feelings out on paper and then at the end, write positive things.  I write down things I'm grateful for, things I'd like to see happen, or blessings I bestow on those I was upset with.  I also will imagine how I would have liked something to have gone even though I can't change fills a void energetically.


So go ahead and feel!  It is not a bad thing, just don't stay there.  We need to release and move on. Do whatever you need to do to release as long as it's not harming someone else.  You will feel lighter and energized in a few days, if not sooner.  Remember to always end on a positive note.  Enjoy!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Letting go of tension through love

Tension in the body is highly detrimental to its ability to function properly and directly affects how we feel each day.

I can't stress that enough.

Tension can come from the present or from the past.  Stress is our reaction to something.  Consider a job, for instance.  To some that is a dreaded word, either because they may hate their job or feel it's too much in their life and is draining. There may be many reasons why it stresses them.  To another, it may be a blessing.  Perhaps they love what they do, or it allows them to do other things, or gets them out of the house, among other reasons.

Stress is our physiological reaction to something and is stored in the body as tension.  This tension can be held in many places.  It is pent-up energy that needs to be released.  This energy may be held in the nervous system, which stimulates the nerves, sending signals to muscles to contract and be on alert.  It may hold in the stomach feeling like a "pit in your stomach."  It may hold in certain muscle groups, such as your upper trapezius muscles, which are between your neck and shoulders.  It may hold in your mid-back between your shoulder blades.  This energy can hold in any of the organs as well.

Old tension can be held from past experiences even if they are no longer consciously weighing on your mind.  Believe it or not, these past experiences can be from childhood and even from in-utero.  We had the ability to sense the stress of our mothers and the people around her when she was pregnant with us.  This pent-up energy may not have affected us along the way, but as we get older unreleased energy begins to build up over time.  There comes a day when our bodies can no longer adapt or compensate for the amount of tension we are holding.  If enough energy is built up, we can feel ready to explode.  The systems in our bodies are designed to function efficiently, like a well-oiled machine.  If we fail to release this tension our bodies begin to suffer.

Fortunately there are many healthy ways to release tension.  Exercise does so because we actually use up some of that tension.  We feel energized because that pent-up energy is now in circulation in our body.  Deep breathing and holding poses such as in yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and stretching, among others, can be profoundly effective as well.  Having a massage or other bodywork works too.

We need to release this tension in order to maintain our health.  It is just as important as eating well, exercising, getting check-ups, getting outside for fresh air, etc.

Tension is also called negative energy.  It's not "bad" or "evil," it's just energy with a low vibration, which gets trapped in the body.  To release it, we need to connect to it by matching it or raising the vibration.

Many people have heard of the book The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.  It is about the Law of Attraction.  In essence, it proposes that positive thoughts attract positive things into our lives and negative thoughts attract negative things.  In her second book, The Power, she talks about love being the greatest force in nature and how feeling loving, positive feelings attracts positive things.  She also has a third book entitled The Magic, which is about the power of gratitude.  All three are great books and well worth reading.

What really caught my attention, was feeling positive.  With tension, it is feeling that will set it free.


You can start to raise the vibrations in your body by simply thinking about and feeling all the things you love and enjoy.  Just start going through things like, "I love a sunny day, I love the birds singing," or "I love my family" or "my dream vacation would be to go to ________."  The key is not only saying it, but feeling it build up in your body - in your heart area, letting it radiate outward.

Sometimes raising the vibrations through loving thoughts and feelings does not get the deeply trapped energy and we need to match it first to release it before raising it.  I will cover that in my next blog.  You won't want to miss it.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Connecting to God

You may not agree with everything I write.  That's fine.  We all believe different things.  It's what makes life interesting.  So take what you agree with, what resonates with you and leave the rest.  I write what I believe and what I have come to learn from working with my clients.

I believe our spirits are beautiful, magnificent, and powerful.  When we can connect with what we truly believe deep inside us and live by that truth, we can be true powerhouses.  We can connect our spirits with God's spirit.  I have seen nothing more beautiful!

I believe religion is a way to learn about God and a way to bring us closer to Him.  But whether you believe in an organized religion or have different spiritual beliefs, what matters most is your personal experience with God.  You may call Him something different; such as the universe, your source, a higher power, the Spirit, infinite love, etc.  It's all the same.  I choose God because it works for me.

I  was raised in the Roman Catholic faith.  It has some beautiful traditions and beliefs.  I don't agree with all the rules.  I love the principles taught by Jesus:  love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  What more is there?  I am not here to convert anyone.  I believe what I believe and have nothing but respect for what you believe.  Religious belief is a deeply personal choice.

I believe we are primarily spiritual beings utilizing these bodies while we are here on earth.  We are beautiful spirits here to love and be loved.  We are here to contribute to the lives of others in loving, kind ways.

When we connect to what we truly believe inside, instead of what others want us to believe, then we are able to connect to God.  God is everywhere.  He is omnipresent.  Whether we feel God is inside us or outside us, God is the greater, magnificent power we feel in the world.  Connecting to God is like plugging ourselves into an electrical outlet.  When we are disconnected we are running on battery, with no reserve power.  Life can tire and overwhelm us far more easily.  When we plug in, we gain infinite strength and wisdom.


What do you truly believe?  What resonates with you?  Get quiet and see what's inside.

Here are some different ways people have told me they connect to God:

1) Prayer - be it a scripted prayer or simple conversation with God (anywhere, anytime).

2) Meditation - just being in communion with God or listening for God to answer through words, images, or feelings.

3) Spending time in nature - out in the garden, on the beach, on a hike, etc.  Nature is one of God's tools to recycle our energy and rejuvenate us.

4) Spending time in places that are sacred to you - a place of worship, a quiet spot at home like a comfy chair, a cemetery, or any place you find beautiful and quiet.  A cemetery is a great place when you need to make a big decision.  I don't know if it's because of all the spirits there or because you realize the finality of it all and what truly matters.

5) Sitting quietly and feeling what's inside you.  You can imagine a ball of warm, loving energy pulsating, spinning or expanding in your heart.  You can imagine being in a beam or flow of energy coming down from heaven like in Star Trek, when they say "beam me up Scotty."  It can feel like a flow of love or peace or the Holy Spirit that you are connecting to.

There are countless ways to connect.  If you have ideas, please share with us.  I love to hear others' experiences.  Enjoy being plugged in!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Our Spirits

I believe our spirits are beautiful, powerful and magnificent.  We were made in the image of God.

I don't remember who said this, but I once heard this description.  We were born who we were meant to be and spend our childhood picking up the thoughts and beliefs from others around us. Then we spend our adult lives trying to release those thoughts and beliefs to become who we were meant to be.  I agree with this.  When I witness clients release thoughts, feelings, beliefs that they either picked up from others, from negative life experiences or that are no longer useful for the person, they physically relax and feel more comfortable in themselves.

Our spirits are like a beautiful sunny day.  As we pick up negative thoughts and beliefs and life experiences, it's like adding clouds to the sky.  Some clouds resemble mild nagging.  They are light and fluffy and don't affect us much.  There are others that are like huge storm clouds which can really hurt us and obscure our sunlight.  Phrases such as "you are a loser and will amount to nothing," child abuse and other traumatic experiences can cause us to exist in such a dark state because our light is continually hidden by the gathering clouds.  If we can release those clouds from our bodies, our spirits can shine and we can be happy and vibrant again.


When we can connect with what we truly believe about ourselves, we can see what we have picked up from others.  It doesn't matter what others think of us or expect from us.  Our lives are our own.  Their lives are their own.  We are only responsible for our own happiness.  We cannot make others happy, no matter how hard we try.

Just acknowledging misappropriated beliefs can help release them.  Writing in a journal or on paper you can shred can also help to release unwanted beliefs.  If things seem too hard to sort out on your own, see a counselor.  Life can be stressful and being able to speak to an objective professional can often help us identify learned versus genuine beliefs.  Even just the act of voicing them can bring clarity amid confusion.

Take a moment to actually visualize the ominous clouds floating away.  Acknowledge that they are not of your making and you needn't carry them with you any longer.  Taking the time to listen to what beliefs resonate within you as true and genuine is immensely beneficial to your everyday well-being.

You are worth it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beauty in Flaws

Our flaws or imperfections make us unique, interesting and beautiful.  Life would be boring if everyone looked the same, acted the same, believed in all the same things, drove the same car, and lived in the same-looking house, no?  We'd just look like a bunch of robots.  Boring!

Take scars for instance.  I've treated many clients with scars.  These scars may be from injuries, surgeries, or other traumas.  Many people are self-conscious about them and see them as ugly.  I see them as beautiful.  There is always a story behind the scar; a story rich in character and context which says the person is human and real.

They have lived and survived and their bodies have healed.  Scars are like tattoos, which I love.  People usually have stories or meanings behind those too.  Even if it's just something they like, it still tells me something about them.  For instance, I have a tattoo on my shoulder blade which I got as a celebration of turning 40.

I don't have any major scars, but when I look at the minor ones around my body, they remind me of fun I've had or dumb things I did as a kid.  A friend of mine has a scar on her throat from having her thyroid removed due to cancer.  I know that she feels self-conscious about it, but I think it's beautiful.  She is a survivor.

My husband has many nicks on his head, which are easily seen when he shaves it.  He can remember some of the crazy things he did as a kid to get them.  My son has a large scar on his hip from when he had cancer at age one.  I remember that story.  It was not an easy time, but my family is stronger and more beautiful to me for it.

When my son was sick, I thought "I'm trying to help people heal naturally, how can I have faith in the natural methods when my own son needs chemotherapy?"  But I realized both traditional and holistic medicine have their strengths and sometimes a more aggressive treatment is necessary.  I couldn't heal him myself and I felt helpless, frustrated....flawed.

But because of this experience I have been able to help so many more people who have gone through tough times...simply because I can relate.  It has allowed me to understand and have compassion for the person dealing with the health issue as well as appreciate how it affects the family and others close to the person.  Without that "flaw" in my life, as well as others, I may have missed being able to connect with and help others.

I certainly wouldn't want to relive that time, but I'm glad I can take something away from it that can be a blessing to others.  When we have scars, flaws, or "imperfections" on our bodies or in our life circumstances, others can relate to us easier.  We become real, human, and in some ways, kindred spirits.


I say rejoice in the name of victory and survival and lessons learned, and wear your scars and flaws proudly.  When someone or someone's life looks perfect, remember that she has gone through something at some point. Sometimes those who look like they have it all together really don't.  You may not know the details, but everyone has issues and everyone lives in this imperfect world trying his best to live a happy life.

As individuals we are unique but also share in the common bond of imperfection.  Perfection is over-rated.  Real people who have lived life and are still here to share their beautiful stories add to the rich tapestry of the human experience.  Each "flaw" holds the power to inspire, comfort or educate.  As with many things in life, it's a matter of perspective.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Love Yourself

You cannot take care of yourself if you don't love yourself.  You may not be perfect.  You are not perfect because no one is perfect.  You may want to change some things about yourself, but you need to love yourself.

We all need to love ourselves.  We need to stop criticizing ourselves, comparing ourselves to others, and competing with others.  How can we love who we are if we think and speak negatively about ourselves?  We don't give ourselves a chance to enjoy who we are.  We set up a situation in our bodies where we feel the need to protect ourselves from the most significant person in our life - our own self!

Our bodies then carry this self-destructive energy around which adversely affects our health and greatly impacts how we take care of ourselves.  This only serves to increase the tension we hold in our bodies.  When we can feel that we love ourselves, we bathe our bodies in the best energy possible.


So how do we stop this destructive pattern and begin to love who we are?

1) Realize you are ok as you are right now.  Give yourself a break.  Stop expecting perfection.  You will realize I'm not perfect as you read my blogs.  I am ok with that because I know for sure that I am not perfect.  And when you can let that go, it is a huge burden lifted.

2) Stop criticizing yourself and putting yourself down to others.  You wouldn't continually put your friends down.  You wouldn't want to hurt them like that.  And your friends wouldn't stick around for very long putting up with that.

3) Repeat throughout the day "I'm ok" or " I love myself just the way I am."  Louise Hay suggests saying "I love you" in the mirror everyday throughout the day until it sinks in.

4) You will notice you start doing nice things for yourself and taking better care of yourself.  You will feel much more relaxed as you start to love who you are.  And you will see your true personality shine through as you feel accepted and loved as you are.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Being Inside Yourself

Being inside yourself means your spirit is centered in your body.  Life can pull at us and we can lose that centeredness easily.  Our spirits, or our "essence," can actually move outside of us.  It may sound strange, but you have probably experienced it before.  When you are really upset about something or frazzled, you can sometimes feel like you are in front of yourself, or right on the surface, and can be highly reactive to things going on around you.  You may snap at people for the littlest things or have trouble calming yourself down.  Has this ever happened to you? 

When you are centered, the same things can happen around you and you are not affected, not reactive.  You are just a witness to what's going on.  You can consciously choose to engage or not.  You are able to sit back and decide if it's worth the effort. 

When we are really focused on the future instead of the present, or if we are really anxious about things, we can also find ourselves "out front."  This is an unsettling place to be.  You can actually feel "top-heavy," like a helium balloon attached to something by a string, ready to blow away.  The same thing happens in the body, it's like we are not attached to the ground.  We feel ungrounded.

To feel grounded, settled, and peaceful, we need to be inside and centered.  Here we feel at home; we feel "right."

Today's Action

When in a high-pressured situation, walk away, close your eyes, and take deep breaths until you feel inside yourself.  This will at least give you a moment to focus enough to make a conscious choice to engage or not. 

When you have more time, sit comfortably in a chair or on the ground and close your eyes.  Take deep, relaxing breaths imagining you are settling into your chest, deep down into your heart.  You can place your hands on your ribs in front.  Starting at your collar bone, gently press 2 fingers in between your ribs where they attach to the sternum (the center breast bone), holding 3-5 seconds, then move down between the next ribs.  Follow the sternum down, breathing comfortably and settling inside.  You can return to the top and repeat the process until you feel centered.

Sometimes we don't even realize we are not centered.  If done often enough, we can live centered more of the time and easily return to center when off.  This can also help with falling asleep at night and can be done on children to help them fall asleep.  (And that's a wonderful thing to a parent).  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Listen to Your Gut

In addition to our bodies speaking to us, our spirit speaks to us.  It does this through our gut instinct.  We can literally feel it in our gut (stomach) or somewhere else like our chest.  Everyone has a different experience.  I have come to feel it mostly in my gut.  Many people do. 

I'll use the gut as our example.  When you feel a knot, a tension, a sick feeling, or some other sensation, your spirit is saying something is not right.  It may be a decision you are needing to make or have made that you are unsure of.  A negative or uncomfortable "gut feeling" usually means it's not right.  If you have peace in your gut, felt as a softening, a settled feeling, a sigh, or some other good feeling, that's your answer.

Our heads give us the logical answer (mental) and our hearts share our feelings about it (emotional) and our gut gives us a sense of "knowing."  That's our spirit and it's usually the referee between the heart and mind.  Sometimes it may agree with one or the other.

Just like listening to the body, the more we listen to our gut, the more it speaks to us.  The more we  follow our gut instinct, the more we can trust it.  We should be able to trust ourselves to make the right choices.

Feel for the peace inside.  If you feel fear come up, let the fear come up temporarily and ask your body why you are afraid.  It may be related to some old issue that is triggered.  Acknowledge the fear but don't let it rule your decision.  Your gut will not betray you and if something is not right, it will tell you without having to guide you with fear.  The peace in your gut is the way it speaks to you.  It will protect you.

Today's Action

Take a decision that needs to be made.  Make it a small one to begin with.  Sit quietly and think of each solution separately and feel what each feels like in your body.  Where do you feel it?  What do you feel? Which solution gives you peace in that area?  Reassess each one again.  Follow the peaceful answer and see how it turns out.

Keep at this until you learn how your spirit speaks to you.  It's wonderful when you can trust your gut.  You may make some mistakes along the way.  Sometimes our hearts or heads speak louder, but you'll get the hang of it.  Enjoy the peace!   

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Listen to Your Body

Our body is our ally.  It knows what we need, what's good for us and what's not.  It has all the answers inside.  Sometimes we may know something is not right or that we don't feel well.  It may be just a vague feeling or thought; this is our body trying to tell us something important.

In treating people, I've come to feel how our bodies try to speak to us.  Pain is a signal from our body that something is not right, be it physical or emotional.  For example, a headache may signal to us to slow down and stop doing the bank account balance; that we are stressing ourselves out.  We need to take a break, get our mind off of it.  But what do we tend to do?  Tell our bodies to shut up by taking a pill and continuing what we are doing.  We don't listen.  And at some point it will shout at us with something more severe.

We may end up catching a cold.  The body is saying "you really need to rest."  You may be doing too much or stessing about something.  It is saying "it's about time you listen."  Instead, our typical response is to brush it off, take some medicine and continue our frenetic pace.  What we really need to do is slow down and take a day off at the first sign of an itchy throat or congested head.  Most people feel they have to almost be on their death bed to feel justified to call in sick.  But if we took that day off at the first signs, (1) we wouldn't get others sick since that's when we are contagious and (2) we would get better much faster.  By staying in bed and resting right away, either reading, sleeping, or reassessing what's going on in our life that might be running us down, we tell our bodies we are listening and that we are important enough to take care of ourselves.

Do you wake up every morning feeling tired and your back is hurting?  Is it your mattress or pillow?  Do you lie in bed at night reading or watching TV with your neck at an awkward angle?  Or is it just during the week and not on the weekends?  Are you tired of your job, not looking forward to it when you wake up?

The body gives us a lot of signals about what we need to be healthy and happy.

Today's action

Pay attention to how you are feeling throughout the day.  Ask your body "what's going on?"  It will speak back, believe me.  It is waiting for you to pay attention.  The more we listen and respond to what it's saying, the more it will guide us to take care of ourselves.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flow of Energy

Energy is what animates us as it moves through our bodies.  Everytime we move a muscle, energy is being used.  Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki, Zero Balancing, as well as many other practices are based on this concept.  Each talks about specific pathways of energy flow, but I will refer to a general flow of energy for the purposes of this article.

Energy needs to flow freely through our bodies.  The amount of energy that flows freely equates with the amount of health we experience.  Our organ systems require this energy to function well.  We need energy to flow unencumbered in order to feel energetic, happy, peaceful and healthy.  When energy gets congested, pocketed, or held up somewhere in the body, it causes tension.  Tension is simply pent up energy that is not being properly utilized; like an airplane sitting on a runway waiting to take flight.  If the body does not use this up, it strains to hold the pocketed energy while at the same time failing to allow it to nourish other parts of the body.  This process is very tiring, and over time, will lead to some manner of dysfunction.

This energy can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual in nature.  It tends to hold in certain areas depending on its nature or source of impact.  For instance, the impact of a car accident can lodge the physical energy of that impact right into the neck region where the head hit the seat or the steering wheel.  If in the accident, someone else was injured, say a child, the driver could also be holding the emotional energy of guilt, sadness, anger at self, and sense of loss of control.  This would definitely increase the stored tension.

In future blogs, I will go into more detail about where specific energies tend to be held in the body.  Feeling what energy people are holding and helping them release it is one of the most interesting parts of my job.  For example, one of the areas where anxiety is held is the ribcage, as if the person seems to be holding her breath, waiting for something to happen or worrying how things will turn out.  It also sticks in the bottom of the ribcage in back, as if she is bracing herself for the next wind of life to come at her.

When we get the energy moving, the body can release the related emotions and thoughts and we can feel better, healthier and lighter.

Today's Action
Where do you tend to hold your tension?  Do you feel it in the shoulders as if you are "carrying the weight of the world?"  Are you holding your breath?  Is there a lot of tension behind your eyes like your thinking too much, trying to figure things out? 

Take time to sit quietly, breathe deeply and listen to your body.  What is it telling you?  If feelings or thoughts come up, let them.  We tend to hold way too much inside.  We become a pressure cooker ready to burst and this release unfortunately is often directed at our loved ones.   Relax and let go of the tension! 

If you enjoyed this, you may also like: letting go of tension through love

Friday, March 15, 2013

Body/Mind/Spirit Connection

The body/ mind/ spirit connection is real.  It affects our lives each and every day, whether we are aware of it or not. If one of these aspects is out of sorts, the other areas are adversely affected.  And it is readily apparent.

You can see it in people who feel hopeless.  As they stand or walk, slouched and sometimes "lifeless," they look tired, even exhausted. Their heads are most likely filled with negative thoughts. Even to the casual observer, it would seem that they lack enthusiasm and motivation.  Their prevailing thoughts are spattered with phrases like, "why bother," or "what's the use."

People who are high-strung, very stressed, or rigid in their beliefs of how things should be, tend to stand rigid and too straight.  They lack a bounce in their step.  When I feel their spine, they lack spring in their joints.  It feels as if their spine is a metal rod. 

Happy, healthy, relaxed people move more freely and carry themselves differently.  They appear more carefree and confident, and have a bounce to their step.  These are the people who radiate good energy which can be easily felt by those around them.  They tend to accept others for who they are and celebrate their differences.  These folks tend to think "life is good," "live and let live," and "life is too short to worry about things."

This doesn't just relate to how people are feeling right now or what's currently going on in their life.  Because our bodies physically retain memories, feelings, and tension from past experiences, how we feel today may very well be affected by negative or stressful experiences from the past.  When we can release the build up of stress in our bodies, we can feel lighter, more relaxed and energetic.

Today's action
Our spirit and mind can affect our bodies, but how we move also affects how we think and feel.  Today, look at how you stand, walk, and sit.  Are you slouched or are you too rigid?  Do you breathe deeply and slowly?  Do you smile?

Change your posture: shoulders back, chin tucked under a little, and have an arch in your low back.  How do you feel?  More confident?  Lighter?  Relaxed?  Hopeful?  Be consciously aware of your posture for one day, and remember to breathe and smile.  Notice how people respond to you.  See how you feel by the end of the day.  Did you have a good day?