Friday, September 6, 2013

Love life!

Fall in love with life!  Think about all the things you love in life.  Wake up each morning saying "What are you going to show me today God?"  Expect good things to happen each day.  Each morning, take time to think of all the things you love and are grateful for.  You can think of things you've experienced, things you have, things going on in your life now, and things you'd like to experience or have. Think about anything that makes you feel good.

By starting your day this way, you are starting on a positive note.  Even if things are not going well right now.  Forget those things and focus on the good.  Focusing on the bad or negative will not get you out of it.  Even if you can't think of a lot right now, focusing on the good will start to shift things in the right direction.

By thinking about good things, you are flooding your body with good energy.  The energy is already inside you, it just needs some waking up to get circulating.  As you think on these things, imagine energy throbbing or pulsating through you.  You can imagine it as swirling around you as a positive force field or as a magnet attracting good things to you.  You can feel it as it flows up and down your body, grounding you and giving you roots and branches.  You can feel it radiating out of you to touch people around you.  You can imagine it anyway you want.

You will be amazed how things will begin to shift in your life little by little, and sometimes even dramatically.  Doing this is very good for your health as well.  It brings nourishment from the inside.


Start today.  You can do it anytime of day.  You can do it all day.  The more you do it, the more good things you'll see happen and the better you will feel.  Those around you will benefit as well, feeling the good vibes emanating from you.  You can help others just by doing this for yourself.  Energize yourself and enjoy!

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