Wednesday, July 30, 2014

5 quick ways to energize yourself at work

Even if you love your work, you can feel like you are dragging and trying to get through the day, especially after lunch.  When you do, try one of these ideas.

1. Go for a five minute walk around the office, home, or outside.  It doesn't matter where you are, go walk.       Do something physical to get out of your head.  It will stir up the energy in your body.

2. Clean up your desk.  Organize what you are working on and put away what you are not.

3. Take a mental break and think about how you can improve your work space.  Think about how you can       organize your space, bringing a plant, picture, or fountain to work.  Make sure you clear out any pictures       or objects that don't make you feel good.  Look at your stuff, is there anything that weighs you down or         doesn't add to your happiness.

4. Go grab a drink or snack, something healthy hopefully, but something that puts a smile on your face.

5. Do some stretches right in your chair.  Release the tension in your neck, shoulders, arms, torso, hips, and       legs.  Stir up that energy.

Time to wake up and get back to work.  have fun!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How to be guided by God

God, or your higher power, the universe, whatever you call him/it is real and here to guide us.  (I use God, because that works for me, but use what works for you.)  God can guide us if we remain calm and centered. That's when we can hear, feel, or see His guidance.  He guides in large decisions and small ones.

How to feel that guidance is the question.  I, myself feel or hear His guidance one step at a time.  I don't see the whole picture like some people do.  I get one step at a time.  It can be frustrating at times, but it has made me grow in patience and faith throughout the years.  It has also given me comfort in knowing that I don't have to see the big picture.  It feels like less responsibility or burden to not have to know all the answers.  When I don't get guidance in some way or I am confused about a decision, I have learned then it's not time to make a decision yet.

My way of getting calm and centered is sitting or lying down and just talking to God and then give Him a few minutes to put some thought, word, or feeling into me.  I usually feel it come from my heart, or stomach, or from out of the blue.  I have come up with a technique to feel more inside myself, less in my head and more in my body, and more centered that I now use.  I am actually putting it into an ebook, which I will hopefully have available within a week or so for others to use.  But you can use whatever works for you, like meditation, deep breathing, or other centering practices.  Saying the rosary or others prayers can also center you. Once you feel more inside your body than in your head, give yourself some time to feel or hear Him.


So go ahead and try it.  You may get one step at a time like me or see an even bigger picture.  Ask for guidance on something small at first if you want and test it out.  Just make sure you follow through if it is an action to take.  It may be to just wait on something.  The answer will be different for different things, but trust it will be the right thing.  When I get an answer, I feel peaceful and right inside.  And I just know it's right. Just like I did before writing this blog.  I wanted to do this for days and never got an answer until today. Once I sat down to write, it all poured out.  Then I went over it all and cleaned it up, but it felt right.

Try it and see!

Friday, July 4, 2014

What to do when you are feeling anxious

When you are feeling anxious about something, even if you don't know what it's about, you are experiencing fear of the unknown.  You may not know how something is going to turn out.  You may not know how someone is going to react.  You may feel a general unease about everything.  Some people just feel it all the time.

Somewhere you picked this up.  It could have been how your parents reacted to things when you were growing up and you learned that reaction.  You could have experienced an incident where you picked that up, like a car accident that took you by surprise or being taken advantage unexpectedly by someone.  It could have come from living in a period of uncertainty or stress for awhile.

When you experience this anxiousness, you are holding too much energy in the top of the body.  In this case, you can be holding too much in the rib cage and lung area as well as the adrenal glands, which are under the back ribs on each side right above the kidneys.  You can also be holding energy in the neck if you are trying to hold it all together and not speak about it. You can also hold it in your head around your eyes into the temples, forehead, and jaw.  You might experience headaches with this. Your mind may be racing or constantly trying to find a solution or keeping fearful thoughts away.  You can feel any one of these or a combination.


What should you do?  You need to expend or move this excess energy. Here are some ideas:

1.  Go exercise.  Use up this energy.  Totally focus on your body.  Get out of your head.

2.  Sit and breathe.  Imagine this extra energy moving into other parts of your body, especially into your lower body and legs.  You can imagine the extra energy going out of your feet into the ground.  This helps to even out the energy and ground you.  Then imagine the energy in your body moving up and down evenly through your body. You'll feel sturdier and stronger.

3.  Go do something fun, something you like and get your mind off what you are worrying about.  You are shifting the energy to another topic.

4.  Think of an affirmation or spiritual saying that helps to soothe you, like "God is in control", " I trust life to take care of me", etc.  Keep it short and repeat it all day long or until you feel relaxed.

5. Imagine this energy as air.  Start punching into a pillow or punching bag imagining exhaling this air out of you.

Once this energy is expended or moved, you will feel less anxious, more relaxed, and lighter.  Try not to go back to worrying.  Keep doing any one of the above ideas whenever you start to feel anxious, the sooner the better.

If you have any other ideas or want to share your experience with one of the above ideas, please do. I'd love to hear.  Enjoy!