Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Letting go of tension by feeling it out

In my last blog, I suggested releasing tension in the body by feeling and thinking good things.  Another way to release tension is to feel it out.  Sometimes, no matter how positive we try to be or how much we try to fill up with love, the negative energy is too trapped in the body to be released.  In that instance, we have to match the energy to be able to reach it and release it.

Sometimes when people are sad, they will listen to sad songs.  Though that sounds contradictory, they are allowing themselves to sit with the feeling and let it out.  The problem is many people will stay there and dwell on it.  There needs to be a balance to feeling your feelings.  If you completely deny a feeling, you will stuff it down inside you and it will become stored somewhere in your body.  But you also don't want to dwell on things by thinking and talking about them all the time.

The balanced, most healthy way to process negative feelings is to acknowledge them as they come up.  Simply feel them, and let them float away.  Feeling negative feelings is not a bad thing.  It is what we do with them that can get us into trouble; like hurting others, exacting revenge in some way, holding grudges, or not forgiving.

You can feel the emotions out by simply allowing the feelings to come up.  You don't have to analyze why they are there.  You don't have to come up with solutions to any problems, and you don't have to feel guilty for being mad, sad, frustrated, confused, scared, or even mixed up.

You may have a combination of many emotions, even some positive.  Everything that comes up is ok.

For example, when a person is considering divorce, there can be a mix of emotions, which may not be all negative.  That person wouldn't have stayed in the marriage if there weren't any good times or good feelings.  She/he can feel guilt, sadness, anger, confusion, and wonder if she/he is being selfish.  It is not an easy decision for anyone.

Writing down your feelings on paper is another way to release them.  It gets the negative energy out onto the paper.  It may take a few times to release all of the layers of feelings, but eventually you will notice the intensity of the words being used changes.  Again, feeling the feelings while listening to music can help, as well as singing along with feeling.  Grunting out frustration by punching a heavy bag or pillow, dancing, or putting the feelings into movement in some way all help as well.  Even though you cannot go back and change the past, allowing yourself to feel any regrets you have or picture how you wished things had turned out, helps to release the energy.

I've noticed that when you feel you have released a sufficient amount and feel better, it's always very helpful to then raise the vibration of energy up by speaking, doing or feeling positive things again.  Sometimes I will write all the junky feelings out on paper and then at the end, write positive things.  I write down things I'm grateful for, things I'd like to see happen, or blessings I bestow on those I was upset with.  I also will imagine how I would have liked something to have gone even though I can't change fills a void energetically.


So go ahead and feel!  It is not a bad thing, just don't stay there.  We need to release and move on. Do whatever you need to do to release as long as it's not harming someone else.  You will feel lighter and energized in a few days, if not sooner.  Remember to always end on a positive note.  Enjoy!

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