Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Live an Amazing Life

We truly have so much in life.  It is easy to forget all the great things we have in our lives when we find ourselves facing tough times.  But we are alive and have the ability to improve our lives through the use of energy.  Sometimes people think that we have little or no control of how our lives go.  Using the concept of energy, and how we influence the energy around us, can shift our lives dramatically.

The law of attraction states that positive thoughts attract positive things.  Unfortunately the opposite happens too.  So when we let our minds dwell on negative things, we can energetically spiral downward.  Don't let that happen.  The deeper we go, the harder it is to change it.  Think on anything good, anything you love, and anything you are grateful for, no matter how big or small.  When you string a bunch of good thoughts and feelings along, it will raise your energy frequency and the energy around you changes. 

You can see and feel this when someone very happy or peaceful enters a room; they radiate that happiness and peace.  The opposite also happens, where you can feel the anger radiating from someone furious.  It reminds me of the Peanuts character Pigpen, a cloud of dirt surrounded him wherever he went.

When the happiness and love radiates from you, the energy around you and the energy of circumstances in your life shifts to be more positive.  It is a law of nature.  Even if circumstances do not change quickly, you may feel differently about the situation, perhaps not caring as much, or not being upset by it.

Keep it up, make a new habit out of it.  Focus on good things and eventually things will change for the better.  The more you do it, the sooner things change.  You need to change the inside first for things to change on the outside.  Most people think the opposite, saying "when things change, I will be happy."  But that's not how it works.

In relationships, thinking about the things you do not like about the other person will only make the problem bigger.  No one is perfect.  If you keep reminding yourself of the things you do like about the person, you will see your feelings change for the better and will see more good things come from the person.  The same thing can happen in your job.  Focus on what you like about it and things will change for the better.  Circumstances will change; perhaps a new opportunity will appear, because you are radiating good energy.


Keep thinking about good things.  Keep feeling good about things and people in your life.  Keep noticing what you have to be grateful for in your life.  Allow yourself to think that anything is possible to come into your life.  As you radiate more positive energy, you will notice life shift for the better.  If negative thoughts try to take over, flood yourself with the positive ones until you feel yourself shift to feeling good again.  It may take time, but it really works.  You will also feel much more relaxed in your body, which by now you should know is really healthy.  Think happy thoughts!

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