Sunday, April 6, 2014

Get One Thing Done Today

Get one thing done today.  That's it.  Make sure you get one thing done today.  When you add that up in a year, that's 365 things you got done!

When you wake up in the morning and think about all that needs to get done, you might feel like staying in bed.  You can feel overwhelmed even before you start your day.  Some people stay in bed and give up already. Some get up and start the day cranky. Some get up and fiddle around not really being effective. And some get up and go at it, collapsing at the end of the day feeling exhausted and not having enjoyed the day at all..

If you really think about it, the things we think we "have" to do, aren't as important as we think.  Not enough to waste a day.  We may feel productive by getting it done, but at what expense?

Why not look at your day as if you are going to enjoy it as best as you can and in the process get one thing done.  Just one thing.  If you end up feeling energized by it and want to do more, then that's fine.  But you just have one thing on your "to do" list.  That way you want to get out of bed.  And you start out the day on a good note and full of energy.  You haven't depleted your energy with your thinking.

That one thing may be cleaning a room or a closet, paying bills, or organizing tax papers.  Some days, when you are feeling tired, that may be going to work and that's it.  Some days, that may be taking care of your kids making sure you are nice to them and that they are still alive at the end of the day.  We try to fit too much into a day some times, get cranky, and wonder why we are tired.

The weekends should be for fun, not to catch up on everything. We waste the whole weekend and then Monday comes and we are out of steam already.


Obviously, the action today is: "Get one thing done today".  Today, mine was to write a blog.  I have been meaning to write for a week, but had too many things on my "to do" list.  Three days ago, my friend reminded me of this idea of the "one thing".  Since then,  I  have gotten three things done that have been weighing on my mind.  I enjoyed doing that one thing and then enjoyed the rest of the day full of energy.  So take it from me: do one thing today.

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