Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Imagination and Positive Energy

It is extremely healthy to relax and bask in some healthy, positive energy.

How do you do that?  One way is by using your imagination.

Take some time and just let your mind wander for awhile.  Imagine your ideal life.  What would you do if you had all the money you needed, that money was not an issue.  What would you do if you had the freedom to decide?  Who would you have in your life?  What would you be doing?  Where would you live?

Some people cannot even imagine what that would be like. A lot of people actually can't imagine that.  You might say, "Paula, why do that to myself?  I would only be teasing myself."  Well, for one thing, if you can't imagine it, then that is probably one reason you don't have it.  You can't go where you can't imagine.

Secondly, and even more importantly, your body needs a good healthy flow of positive, high frequency energy to stay healthy.  We are electrical in nature and need that high frequency energy to function at our best. You know what I'm talking about.  When you are depressed or stressed about something, you feel tired, you get sick easily, you don't have the energy or motivation to do anything.  Now if you are excited about something, doesn't that automatically make you feel energized, like you can do anything.  You can run down the street when you are excited, right?

Your imagination can produce those same reactions.  Imagine what you would love life to look like.  Imagine the people around you.  Imagine places you would visit.  Imagine and feel.  That's the important part.  Feel what it would feel like.  Play it out in your mind and feel it all.  Think of conversations you'd have and activities you'd do.  Feel how happy or relaxed or excited you'd feel.

Feel how good you'd feel to pay off the bills you owe.  Feel how happy you'd feel to be able to bless others. Imagine going out to eat and giving the waiter/waitress a big tip and the smile on their face.  Imagine paying for groceries for the person in line behind you.  Imagine taking your kids to an amusement park for the day and the happiness radiating off them.


It is so good for us to let our minds out of the prisons we've put them in by being stressed and worried.  Give your mind a vacation.  Let it soak up good energy.  Do that for 15-30 minutes and see how you feel.  Do that a few times and see how you feel.  See what ideas start coming to mind and what opportunities start showing up.  It's healthy for you and can change how you see things.  It also has the magic to change the things you see.  Imagine away!

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