Sunday, June 15, 2014

What is your calling?

I think everyone wants to know what their calling is, if they haven't found it yet.  Your calling is what you feel you are meant to do here while on earth.  A calling is something you enjoy, feel passionate about, love to do, and it contributes to the world in some way.  You don't have to be famous for it.  It doesn't have to bring you a lot of money, (though that would be nice, right?)  It is about something you love and makes your little corner of the world a happier place.

"How can I figure out what my calling is?"  Is that what you are thinking?  I think it's part of our path to grow into it.  When I was in college as an accounting major (because I was good at math), someone was looking into physical therapy schools.  I thought, "Oh that sounds fun.  Helping to teach people to walk again sounds like more fun than sitting behind a desk." So I looked into PT as a major and it happened that my college had it as a Masters program.  I had already told myself I was done after 4 years, not going to school any longer than that.  But when I thought about PT, that all went out the window.  I just knew I wanted to do it.  I didn't know how much money I would make.  It didn't matter.  A school adviser told me it was really hard to get in; the program only took 20 students a year and only 10 from instate.  I most likely wouldn't get in.  I didn't care what he thought. I just knew I could. Well, I did all I had to do and got in!

After I graduated,  I started working in outpatient care and after 2 years I got bored with it.  Someone was learning about a technique called CranioSacral Therapy.  I thought "how cool".  I wanted to learn it.  I started taking lots of the classes.  And so on.  I kept following what I wanted to learn about. I kept following what I loved.  And throughout the years, I kept learning and life kept shifting and giving me challenges and opportunities to change and grow.

Now I treat people in a holistic way.  I have my own practice and I look at the whole body and how each area affects the other as well as how the body, mind, and spirit affects the other.  I help people reach a balance in their body as well as their body, mind, and spirit.  I can feel the energy move inside people. That's so cool to me.  Maybe not to you, but I love it.  I also love being a mom and a wife.  So I do all three and try to keep it all in balance.

Sorry for the long story, but it's the only way I can think of to show you how to find your calling or passion.  It is a process, a life journey.  If you keep following what you love, the path will appear one step at a time.  I would never have thought of all of that when I was thinking about PT school.  Never.


So, it's your turn.  What do you love to do?  What could you talk about or do all day long?  What could you be doing where time just flies by?  What would you be willing to do anything for to be doing this?  It doesn't even matter if it's something you'd be paid for.  Some people's calling is not their job.  They might coach little  league baseball or volunteer at a soup kitchen.  It doesn't have to be a job.  It can also turn into one if you want later.

Start thinking about what you love.  Ask God for guidance.  Feel what's inside you.  It doesn't matter what others think.  It's about being true to yourself and letting your passion out to make the world a happier place.  It's about making you a happier person and letting that shine onto other people.  Take the time and find out.  Start little by little, one step at a time. It's totally worth it!

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